想要充分利用你的时间,集中你的精力,看到结果? 与我们的私人教练一起塑形,变得更健康,重振你目前的日常生活. 我们的个人训练服务只提供给校园康乐会会员. 我们的教练将为您提供个性化的锻炼计划,以满足您的健康和健身目标!

Please take note of our cancellation and refund policies


Email us!

Starting is as easy as 1, 2, 3

个人培训是可用的,我们正在接受新的客户. You will be contacted as soon as possible. 感谢您对我们的个人培训计划感兴趣!

Fill out the Fitness Training Services Registration Packet (printed copies are also available in Member Services). 将表格装入已签名并密封的信封,交回会员服务部.  

Access Application

在3-4个工作日内检查您的电子邮件,安排30分钟的免费咨询,与我们的专业健身人员一起检查您的包. Please note some clients will need a Medical Clearance. 这将在咨询前或咨询时传达给客户.


Personal Training Packages

个人培训是可用的,我们正在接受新的客户. You will be contacted as soon as possible. 感谢您对我们的个人培训计划感兴趣!


所有新客户都将接受75分钟的健康评估, complete with goal setting. This is a complimentary service.

所有现有客户每月都可以使用一次InBody,作为其培训课程的一部分. 除非另行付费,否则不能在培训课程之外使用.


personal trainer

所有面对面的个人培训课程都在我们的个人培训工作室进行, located on the 2nd floor of the Connell Center. 这间工作室在您自己的舒适空间中提供隐私和安全, working one-on-one with your trainer.


60 Minute Personal Training Sessions

# of SessionsStudent RateMember Rate
1 Session$30$35
5 Sessions$145$165
10 Sessions$270$310
15 Sessions$375$435
25 Sessions$600$675

Health & Fitness Assessments (75 minutes, includes InBody)

# of SessionsStudent RateMember Rate
1 Session$30$35

Body Composition - InBody Analysis (30 minutes)

# of SessionsStudent RateMember Rate
1 Session$15$20

Personal Trainers

Personal Training FAQs